User-agent: Googlebot Disallow: / glamour-o-rama
2008-11-14 : trip back from van
he readded me to facebook!

im hoping he is doing it because hes going to try again, but he might have done it just because he realized how stupid it was and doesn't plan on talking to me again really. This sucks, he gets back tuesday, ill see him next weekend and im getting my hair done and such...hopefully i look super hot. I know its petty and silly but its the only defense i have at the moment :(

the week home was...oh brother, craig is so damn draining, he acts like a woman. I constantly have to pet and soothe his feathers while he throws a temper tantrum and im guessing a lot of it is im just getting tired of him so a lot of things are becoming far more annoying.
I have an exam tomorrow i should really be studying for and a test in spanish. Going home didnt help me out at all, not really. It was nice to get away and see people but i didnt really get the me time i was craving, i should have just stayed in my own little home. Fran and Erin are coming by sunday to help me sort through my clothes, get rid of everything im not using
im going to start tanning tomorrow too...i need some color and im told the vitamin D might actually help with a bunch of stuff lately as ive barely been out in the sun, oh turns out i might be anemic silly is that! i hate beets

oh ya last wednesday before i left...i made out with a cowboy, he was part of the CFR...totally cute and tasted like red bull, practical dream makeout haha
i didnt take him home, i was tempted but i didnt do it...

i wish i just knew
evan has been sending me adorable messages, something is there i feel it, something big, i always felt it but he's just so far.

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