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2002-07-02 : thank you's
so i already wrote about 10 min ago but ive been reading through old entries and it brings back memories i used to write to make things interesting by making myself do something for example...ya i had a blah day *snickers and runs behind a chair*....that kinda thing but there is a reason for this entry

i want to say thank you to two people...angel i know we fight but ive looked behind and no matter what you have always been there for me even if you dont alwyas understand the problem

and kalie i know i dont alwyas take your advice but you offer it and thats what i love, you also know me so well, some days better then i know myself and you two are always there for me

so thank you too both of you i know i always complain or act like a baby but you put up with me thanks mwah

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