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2005-11-18 : LONG TIME NO SEE!
hey guys ok so its been ages im not worrying about grammar or periods or anything im sitting in my math 20 pure online class right going to start updating more routinely i hope becuase holy shit its been 63 days sicne my last one and so much has happened
last week for example i got super drunk at the waterpark, made out with sean mooney, and tired ti get it on with at least 4 other about shame shame but it GOT WORSE! i got sick, and passed out and security called my school ID and buspass are gone and kelli wore my pants home...i went home without pants come on crazy is about vodka and sambuca nights lmao. but other then that the after effects are bad just considering its slightly awkward between me and some of the guys now i cant even smile at them without feeling weird :S my own fault i suppose but what can you do right...being yearbok editor is hardwork too...stupid kid name wayne doesnt know how to do his page properly i give him an awards page and he puts 11TH GRADE in the centre HE IS NOT DOING THE 11TH GRADE TITLE PAGE....stupid bitch.

i hate spanish more then anything the class is fucking gay and immature like honestly grow up already and the teacher is a bitch! Senora freitas.
Kalie and i are as best of friends as ever and shes in love with jason sperle...half his hair is blonde the other have brown...lip piercing, nose piercing, emo glasses, both ears pierced...but all in all hes a good guy. Ive met a lot of sweet people too, this year is starting to look up and theres this boy...boys...haha i cant make up my mind

i liked somsone named james in grade 11, and a sean mooney (yes the one i made out with AND I CANT REMEMBER!) talk about cruel irony eh

and now theres geoff...a complete sweetheart and hes so awesome hes going to help me with math and if things go as im hoping ill be at his house for lunch today GO ME! i also had a 7:15 am practice for cross country today...drama rehearsals are a blast...right now we are just learning the dances but wow once it starts to get going its going to be mad crazy and im modeling in the grad fashion show too...and my baby project for the yearbook is the grad poll its the one thing im completely going all out for, no if's an's or buts...honestly its going to be so much and kalie is shaking her head at me right not sure why i think its becuase im on diaryland but she has one too so its ok dont shake your head at me missy...your dating jason. BAHAHAHA LOW BLOW!
i cant believe next year we wont be together...but we've gotten through distance before...lets just test the ocean as well right, and jobs and college//univerity, you know the entire works! its going to be hard i miss her already when i think this is my last year

im so scared...its not even funny, come on whats to say ill do everything i plan on doing, i might not even make it spain next year but im keeping positive oh gotta go bell !!

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