User-agent: Googlebot Disallow: / glamour-o-rama
2002-07-01 : my smells
1. If you were to nominate a celebrity (or their screen character) to the Presidency, who it would it be and why?

Mmmm well since i dont believe in any celebrity being president id have to say none but if i had to pick someone........ bruce willis i guess

2. If your best talent were an Olympic event, what it would be? Instead of a gold medal, what would first prize be?

thats easy... war canoe, its my sport lol and im mad that they dont have it now but first prize would be a trip to hawaii or w/e

3. If you had a warning light on your forehead what would it warn people of if it were flashing?

when im about to pass gas lol.....its pretty sad but hey it happens and whew doenst msell pretty

4. You live in a cage...what are you? Do they ever let you out?

im a monkey lol and no they dont let me out

5. Scientists have discovered a way to bottle the essence of you. What does it smell like?

citrus, vanilla, cinnamon, ginger, and berries lol...odd combo but those are my smells teehee

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