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2002-07-20 : memories
well been like 2 days. i hated the day at the beach lol it was sucky with some bad weather but today we went to a lake lol which i will swim in of course and it was pretty cold but w/e it was fun. been going to orenda and practicing with eh little ones wow how disgraceful i dont like it very much i cant wait till jenny and them get back from nationals. boy how i wanted to go to nationals lol too bad right not much you can do about it now.

im really bored and kalies gone and i dont know if my couz is back from her trip and brittany is locked up in a hotel room to her house is finished building. kales is still hooked on that ryan guy adn hes ok but boy has he got BOLD freckles lol kales

been remembering some things lately but i jsut forgot what it was cause i always wanted to remember this about angel and me but can think but theres anough stuff with us lol lets see theres teh camper lol and the TENT! LMAO. then another time with her tent we got into a fight over a flashlight and were choking eachother till angels friend asked what we were doing and we looked wiht bits of hiar in our hands and the red sores around our necka dn laughed and then another time in the same week this huge ass moth was like the size of my fist was attackign us really it was and we ran inside got some pizza lol hate the wholebox and put the box bk in the fridge and looked outide. the coast WAS clear till we make it to the tent and the thing attacks us again lol we screamed dived in the door and haha what a moment still cant remember the other moment though man it was good though i keep remembering it and now when i want to write it down i forget isnt that great lol not really but anyway.

lets think of some more memories....

oh yes my last day in edmonton adn me and britt got into a fight cause she hadnt made the effort to see me at lunch like she planned and instead helped cassie with something and i got pissed and then ya whole big thing and at the end we looked at eachother 5 min from when i was supposed to leave and we were like WAHHHH and all that and she was like dont cry and i was like look who talking lol. but it was hard leaving everyone especially giggles kales sweets and kat even josh stewart was nice to me oh and giggloes si britt so ya know. anyway it was hard and i knew the minute i left pplz would talk about me but who cares right i hope i see the ones that matter to me again but lets hope i still matter to them.

me and britt are worried our friendship wont last but you know what if it was meant to be it will last but not all friendhsips make it and they teach you things about yourself and lessons and all that but i kno with all the years that will be between us we will change and sooner or later will part but i hope its later rather then sooner cause giggles is a great person and so pretty and loving and she makes mistakes but we all do and eahc time she makes a mistake i think she better even more for learning fromt ehm but i love when she talks to me about things. great great things.

dustie and me now theres some good memories lol. i told you most of them but what a great gal she is wow. but shes changes a lot and shes glad and happy now from whats shes told me lol still forgeful about things but im glad shes happy.

man theres still lots more memories if only i could remember them lol well g2g ttyl


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