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2002-06-15 : paper mache masks BAHAHA
ok so angel took long enough getting here last night but this is the case lol we stayed up last nigt till 4 am making a mess of my hosue haha, i wanted to do THE DRINK but amanda wasnt here so no but then we decided to make face masks and la de da....anyway syrup got all in angels haha so shes like what about flour and water (ps that is good for paper mache)

ok so we did that i ws first and then i did angel and then she did me for a second now i couldnt smile lol then i did angel and umm we got it all over the loor and started doing our legs and everything then we couldnt move or anything it hurt so we had to jump into the shower took my the longest time to get off myface and HAIR OMG! haha then my face was sooo dry but hey i had a shower lol.

anyway then we had to clean up the mess on the carpet and the mess on the towels and clothes and stuff lol it was mad....

anyway they lsot angels bag at the sirport probably on its way to brazil for nice vacation she JUST got it back and it had my bday and xmas gifts in it lol so i got these awesome earrings and this cute pjs set, one with elmo and cookie monstart shorts and tshirt the other one a tank top all blakc except for a really nice blue K on it and boycut shorts the same way, then MY BOOK BAHAHA!! you know the angus thongs anf full frontal snoggins series well i just got the last book YAY! and a card ya ya angel that was hilarious. right now she is on ym rents comp writing in her diary and im on mine haha so wicked fun but i should go last day of qualifying WOOT WOOP!

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