User-agent: Googlebot Disallow: / glamour-o-rama
2004-02-04 : flooded with pee and probelms
ok kales who the hell is rosemary and picket? lol anyway let me tell you about my day it was awesome i dont know why jsut like yesterday i was worrying about gym though cause all the ppl in it are all like awesome at sports and i suck really bad i have no skill type thing.s o i was thinking oh they are going to laugh at me etc but we ran fro 7 min i thought sara was tlaking about me but i cant be sure and i had shorts and i felt like my thighs were huge and then we had to get into groups of 4 and being 9 girls i was the odd one out and i felt crappy but one of the gurls let me in and i think they like me but jenna seems standoffish with me and i dont think she likes me...but omg i had science and i was sitting but my thong was kind ya lol showing so i was pulling my pants up but i dont think you could really see it...and i found out yesterday people from edmonton after i left called me a greaser and what not syaing i was a tag along and a loner but hey w/e i wasnt kalie says and i look awesome now and a bit better but still kinda chunky thinking about a diet but kalie says no so im still thinking kalie but its not afor srue thing...anyway its blakc heritage month lol and we had these african people with weird voices come to our school and tell us stuff or w/e then this guy who has torrets or what this syndrome went up on stage with a bunch of people dancing and he look funny up there and then jason this guy with one leg A LOT longer then the other went up and tried dancing it was the funniest thing ever and kalie shut up its not mean it was funny...then lets see gym was fine im the fastest girl in my class i think lol well im tied for fastest from what i know with jenna lol who is cousins with kyte i guess i dont really think so though even though they have the same last name and OMG IM HAVING PEPPITO tonight its sounds how i spelt it but i dont think its spelt right...its a spanish sandwhich with certain meat and tomato and lol what not but anyway lunch was crappy kinda kirk and chris were kinda bringing me down in a joke way but still ya know and i find out from kalie 2 days ago i came up in a convo and this guy kyle kris OOO KEVIN!! thats it i dont know him didnt even know he was at SBS at all during the 3 years...but hey he seems to ahve heard about me from rory perkins and all of them cause they dont like me and they are the ones that started the rumor about me being a "greaser" or w/e anywya my day was good i palyed atrick on nicole pretending i was mad then nicole and i did it to emily lol and emily nicole and i were going to do it to someone but no one we all knew together was online so hey w/e right was a good day and kalie has made me think positive u awful girl lol but i love ya thnx a lot i needed that slap in the face im pretty and i look better then last year by TONS!! and i have great friends and people if u tlak about me thnx for making me the cnetre of ur world fuckers!!

love alwyas kendra

ps i woke up this morning and my bed was cold walked out my room did w/e came back laid in bed realized why it was cold DIXIE PEED IN MY BED! i slept in a bed of pee for 3 to 4 hours lol yes kalie it is gross but ttyl

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