User-agent: Googlebot Disallow: / glamour-o-rama
2002-07-10 : NEW CT
WOW lets see have a regatta tomorrow i have to race K1!!!! oh no thats a kayak for 1 person and you need lots of balance especially if u have to paddle like really hard to go fast and i know i will tip or lose and i dont like to lose :(

kales hasnt ritten or called in awhile AGGGGGRRRR. giggles is in a hotel cause her house isnt finished yet and her other one is sold so hope she goes to her new house soon and sweets i dont know i think she dies lol she not home ever well too bad try again and again

aunty cindy and gram j are here. ac (aunty cindy) is always telling me what do to KENDRA this and Kendra that and my mom has a stick suoved up her ass bout something but shes better now

there going to go pick up my grand parents at the airport its their 1st time here in ns and i hope they have fun especially if they come to my regatta tomorrow which i hope it doesnt rain because its been raining for like 5 days in a row

im talking to magan day on msn a girl at ORENDA and she slike when i start high school i wont member her but i will im not fortgetful got a mind sharp as a tack

now what were we talking about lol

mmmm lets see what else cant really think of anything else so im gonna let you go for now and go do nothing like i always do lol but im way hungry and garney just walked in asking what i was doing and im just like riting on the comp like always haha what a dumb ? the comp is my friend and its shiny OOOOO we got a new comp table really snazzy too anyway gotta run lol choi

XOXO'S kisses n hugs


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